
How to Make Friends in a New City

When you do, resist the urge to keep the conversation focused solely on one element. Don’t only talk about your jobs, your families, or your hobbies. Instead, look for commonalities in multiple different spheres of your lives. Doing so will help you build what network scientists call a “multiplex” tie — a connection with multiple contexts. Not only does this kind of connection help you get to know the other person on a more intimate level, it also gives you more reasons to stay in touch.

Do a Google search to find more apps for making friends – that is, apps for helping you meet people in your area. Some people prefer remote work because there’s less pressure to socialize with coworkers. They may prefer to spend lunch hours and coffee breaks with kids, significant others, roommates, pets, or virtual fitness classes. To make friends with your colleagues, you’re going to need to let your guard down a little bit. You don’t need to share deep secrets, but you should try to make interactions about more than just work.

Reach Out To Old Friends

Pretty much all companies have a “random” or a “break room” Slack channel, but anyone who frequents it knows that the environment feels much more controlled than in real life. Often, you’ll notice that your work Slack is used for non-problematic small talk featuring memes, inside jokes, or gossip vaguely related to the office. “Meeting up with people in-person helps a lot, especially for extroverts,” Duffy says. Particularly if you’re looking to deepen existing friendships, dinner parties are one of the best ways to do it. A tray of appetizers from Costco, a bowl of pasta, a few bottles of wine, and a willingness to invite people into your space are all you need.

Once you start making acquaintances, keep the ball rolling. Ask for more introductions and encourage them to include more people when you hang out. Befriend people you meet through people you’ve https://remotemode.net/ already met. Join an Elks or Moose Lodge or a group dedicated to professionals in your field. Follow local businesses on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to stay on top of area happenings.

Find meetups for your hobbies

Whether you’re looking for a coliving space, private studio or apartment, one of our beautiful spaces is sure to suit your needs. Even if you choose not to live in a Common home, the worldwide community we have built makes it easier than ever to make new friends in your new city. Church is an excellent way to meet new people in a new city, specifically by volunteering your time. If you are searching for ways to give back to your new community and make new friends doing it, look no further than your nearest religious organization. Even if you are not affiliated with a specific religious group, churches and other faith communities welcome the addition of helping hands.

Take the opportunity to try out some new ones, and potentially make friends along the way. Meetup is ideal for the not-so introverted and not-so extroverted either. It is more subtle than simply meeting a complete stranger at a coffee shop because your profile is ‘matched’ and allows people to get together doing something fun and engaging.

Be willing to try a bunch of different approaches

Those are three steps to help you get out there and start meeting more people. And I want you to notice something – none of what I shared addresses what you do, and that is on purpose. Because here’s what I’ve found, when you focus on making genuine connections with other humans, the “what you do part,” that tends to unfold naturally when the time is right. And you’re gonna wind up describing your work in the context of the human that’s in front of you. And, most important, it’ll be fresh and it won’t be formulic. While not meeting in person can make it harder to get close, it isn’t impossible.

  • You can volunteer for a local organization, help out at a community event, or even just lend a helping hand to a neighbor in need.
  • Introverts aren’t exactly known for being social butterflies, but that doesn’t mean they can’t make friends.
  • It’s all about taking one step at a time to change that, and the best way to start that change is around your new home.
  • You don’t have to be religious to believe in something beyond yourself.
  • There are several dating apps available, but now there is an app that allows you to find new friends.

They offer events and activities in cities across the globe. Citysocializer is available in the UK, Europe, the US, and Canada. Make an effort to get to know your colleagues as people, not just co-workers. If you’re hustling toward a fitness goal, there’s undoubtedly a community out there sweating along with you. No-gym-required communities such as Tone it Up and Lauren Gleisberg followers can seek out hashtags and almost always find a local meet-up of like-minded ladies.

Attend local cultural events

The conversation doesn’t come easily for everyone so, if nothing else, be inquisitive. People love to talk about themselves, so have some questions at the ready. Pets, kids, work, hobbies – they’re all up for grabs and they are great ways to break the ice, even if you’re shy or socially awkward at first. Go to the gym- That’s right, get your swell on while also saying hi to new faces. The gym is an excellent and healthy place to meet new people.

How do people make friends outside of work?

  1. Improve Your Social Skills.
  2. Avoid Isolating Activities.
  3. Use Social Media Intentionally.
  4. Make The First Move.
  5. Learn New Things.
  6. Present Yourself Well.
  7. Work From A Cafe Or Coworking Space.
  8. Be Interested In Others.

They put on intimate concerts (currently they hosts shows in over 325 cities worldwide) in unique spaces like people’s homes, apartments, or small businesses. Music lovers unite here, listening to lesser-known, usually local bands and meeting new people. Rocking up to the show alone isn’t uncommon either, and you’re sure to find a common ground when chatting with others around you in between sets.

Again, this tends to be much easier when you’re in person, but it’s not an impossible feat to accomplish remotely. With a little effort, you can find people with similar interests and make some great connections. Of course, it takes time to develop friendships, so be patient and enjoy the process. Making friends takes time, so don’t get discouraged if you don’t meet anyone right away. It takes time to develop friendships, so be patient and keep trying. Eventually, you’ll find a group of people who you click with.

  • If you’re moving to a new city where you don’t speak the language, it can be tough to make friends and meet new people.
  • Joining a club is one of the best ways to start meeting new people.
  • Music lovers unite here, listening to lesser-known, usually local bands and meeting new people.
  • When moving to a new city, you have to take a “leave no stone unturned” attitude toward making new friends.

You quickly miss the natural connection with coworkers where so many of us ultimately find great friendships. Making friends as an adult can already be a bit tricky, and we often rely on an office for much of that post-school interaction. As increasing numbers of us work https://remotemode.net/blog/tips-on-how-to-make-friends-when-you-work-from-home/ virtually (or for ourselves!), there are more people than you might expect hoping to make new friends outside of a workplace. Obviously this depends whether you’re looking for romantic or platonic relationships but it’s certainly a way to make connections in a new place.

#19. Join an Online Community

And, if you’re looking for something a little more active, consider exploring an outdoor hobby. Even if you haven’t been outdoorsy in the past, in a new city you can become an outdoor person. Moving to a new place is a great chance to reinvent yourself. If you are looking for volunteer opportunities, check out VolunteerMatch. You can filter by what type of opportunity you are looking for and connect with people right away. If you have kids, getting involved in their school can be a great way to meet other parents.

How to make friends if I work from home in a new city