
Fundamentals of Governmental Accounting and Reporting Courses

governmental accounting definition

They should be active learners and strong collaborators who can manage their time and projects effectively. Accountants can work as consultants in their own space, but more often work within government offices. In this role, they oversee the distribution of government grants to ensure that their use meets grant requirements. Internal auditors also analyze current documentation to advise government departments and agencies on best fiscal practices.

They collect information by speaking to those most affected by the problem; usually a consortium of companies, governments, auditors, and/or investors. The board consults with advisory https://www.bookstime.com/ academics and experts to cross-examine their findings with modern accounting theory. (2) Activities accounted for in enterprise funds by different identifiable activities.

How are the GASB Standards Developed?

To ensure this, the Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB) was established in 1984 to help governmental agencies maintain the needed uniformity and transparency. The GASB creates and issues guidance to support quality financial reporting to assist independent analysts, investors, and others in understanding the complex financial transactions which take place in government. It should be noted that in applying the major fund criteria to enterprise funds, the reporting entity should consider both operating and nonoperating revenues and expenses, as well as gains, losses, capital contributions, additions to permanent endowments, and special items. When the major fund criteria are applied to governmental funds, revenues do not include other financing sources and expenditures do not include other financing uses.

  • However, there is currently no government accounting system, which is applied across the world.
  • So GFSM2001 can be applied on all the economies regardless of corporate or legal structure of the country where it is applied, complexity of its statistical system, its accounting system, or expansion of its government administration.
  • To show accountability to the people within the communities they serve, governments must provide financial data that is relevant, trustworthy, and understandable.
  • When assessed with these characteristics, the government accounting applied for units with general and annexed budgets can be expressed as a system between the adapted cash basis and the accrual basis [24].
  • Each board member is appointed by the FAF Board of Trustees for a 5-year term, and the chairman is the only full-time member of this board (you can find the names of current board members here).
  • Accountants work within those tax codes to ensure both internal and external compliance.

Starting point of modern government accounting is the cash basis-oriented accounting system. Accrual basis accounting system which is the fundamental of modern government accounting system records all kinds of financial transactions regarding all the assets and liabilities, including tangible assets, regardless of collection and payment. However, this budget-oriented recording system became insufficient to fulfill the needs of government management over time, and so, some new experiences were started to be looked for in the area of government accounting. Thus, there has been some studies recently to develop an accrual recording system which is recognized by all financial transactions which have already emerged or will emerge in the future including tangible assets of the government [19].

Modified Accrual

The GASB board includes seven diverse board members – including a chairman and a vice chairman –all of whom are expected to have a deep understanding of governmental accounting and finance. Each board member is appointed by the FAF Board of Trustees for a 5-year term, and the chairman is the only full-time member of this board (you can find the names of current board members governmental accounting definition here). To ensure that diverse opinions are considered, the GASB convenes consultative groups and task forces. Consultative groups perform research for agenda items concerning accounting and financial reporting standards. Both groups are important sounding boards to ensure that the GASB makes the best decisions for the tax payer, finance, and business communities.

Interfund activity includes interfund loans, interfund services provided and used, and interfund transfers. This activity should be reported separately in the fund financial statements and generally should be eliminated in the aggregated government-wide financial statements. The government-wide statement of activities should be presented in a format that reports expenses reduced by program revenues, resulting in a measurement of “net (expense) revenue” for each of the government’s functions. General revenues, such as taxes, and special and extraordinary items should be reported separately, ultimately arriving at the change in net assets for the period. Special items are significant transactions or other events that are either unusual or infrequent and are within the control of management. Government accounting is a scientific procedure of collecting, classifying, recording, summarizing, and interpreting all the financial transactions including revenues and expenditures of all the government offices.

Government Accounting: Overview & Importance

The focus of governmental and proprietary fund financial statements is on major funds. Cash basis government accounting does not record or report tangible assets, accrued revenues and expenses, expenditures on the assets which must be activated, and government payables as well as other liabilities, commitments, guarantees and changes in price, and quantity of the government’s assets [7]. Cash basis accounting system is easy to understand and manage as it includes simple transactions. Since its scope is limited to cash flows, it does not serve for transparency and accountability purposes.

Finding an appropriate fund type requires a careful analysis since there is not always a clear choice. For example, building permit fees may be accounted for in the general fund or a special revenue fund in certain circumstances, such as when they are partially supported by taxes. However, if there is a pricing policy to recover the cost of issuing those individual building permits, they should be reported in an enterprise fund.


It also used “creative accounting” (overvaluation) methods in reporting and measuring some financial information just like some governments. So that cash basis accounting was used as an instrument of showing false financial reality. However, evaluating financial assets as differently from the reality did not satisfy the need for information which would help correct estimations for the future.

governmental accounting definition